
What is Clean Jobs Midwest?

Clean Jobs Midwest is a report based on survey data on clean energy employment in 12 Midwestern states.

These states include Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. In 2022, the region employed more than 735,000 people in sectors including renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, clean transportation, grid and storage, and clean fuels. 

Evergreen Climate Innovations partners with Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) to publish this comprehensive report of clean energy jobs throughout the Midwest.


The Clean Jobs Midwest report includes people employed in the following sectors:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy generation
  • Clean transportation
  • Grid and storage
  • Clean fuels

Learn more about the jobs in these sectors here.

How are clean energy jobs counted?

Unless otherwise stated, the data and analyses presented in this report by Evergreen Climate Innovations and Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) are based on data collected for the 2023 U.S. Energy Employment Report (2023 USEER), produced by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and collected and analyzed by BW Research Partnership (BWRP). For more information on the survey methodology, please visit

The 2023 USEER methodology relies on the most recently available data from the BLS QCEW (QCEW, third quarter 2022) and the BLS Unemployment Situation Table B-1 monthly reports, together with a detailed supplemental survey of business establishments across the United States produced by the Department of Energy (DOE), and collected and analyzed by BW Research Partnership (BWRP). During a time of rapid change in energy technology and business employment structure, supplemental surveys are an important tool to capture developing trends. Taken together, the BLS and survey data provide the most comprehensive calculation of energy-related employment available.

Does this survey count indirect or induced jobs?

No, this survey serves as a point-in-time count of employees directly employed in the clean energy industry; it does not attempt to estimate or model indirect or induced jobs, nor does it make predictions of economic impact.

When was the survey conducted?

All data in the USEER rely on the BLS QCEW data for the end of the third quarter of 2022 and the BLS Unemployment Situation Table B-1 monthly reports through December 2022. The USEER survey was administered between January 31, 2023 and March 30, 2023 and averaged 17 minutes in length.

Does this survey provide wage data?

No; while this survey doesn’t collect wage data, there is evidence from the market that many of the jobs in this industry are well paying jobs being added to communities across the region and country. For example, as of 2019, wind turbine technician was the fastest growing job in the country and had an average salary above $50,000. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has additional information on wage data for certain sub-sectors as well, in particular wind and solar energy generation.


This survey data represents estimates from the end of 2022, leveraging BLS and EIA baseline data from Q4 2022. As a result, it does not reflect the hiring associated with new projects announced after the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act for the most part, or any job creation that has taken place in 2023.

How does this survey relate to The Solar Foundation solar census?

The Solar Foundation (TSF) solar census numbers are also developed from the 2023 U.S. Energy Employment Report (2023 USEER); however, TSF uses a different threshold for what counts as a job as a way to focus specifically on one subsector. While Clean Jobs Midwest counts anyone who does work in a field, TSF only counts someone who spends at least 50% of their time in a field. As an example, an employee of an engineering, procurement, and construction firm who spends 45% of their time on solar rooftop projects, 40% on building efficiency projects, and 15% on other work would count as a clean energy worker in the Clean Jobs Midwest study, but would be excluded from the TSF study.

How does this survey relate to The Clean Jobs America Report?

The methodology for the Clean Jobs Midwest and Clean Jobs America reports are identical.



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